Before you speak of peace, you must find it in your own heart.

- Francis of Assisi


My Story


I’ve always been drawn to the healing arts and to the unseen mystery and nature of life. This inspired me to pursue a career in spiritual psychology, where I have been a licensed psychotherapist and trauma specialist for nearly three decades. I wanted to better understand the mind-body connection, the way our thoughts and experiences affect our physical body and overall health and well-being, which led me to learn cutting-edge somatic therapies to help release trauma that is stored in the nervous system, fascia and cellular memory.

At the same time, I was hungry for all things spiritual, which prompted me to explore the Yogic traditions and Eastern philosophies, eventually discovering Tibetan Buddhism, which I’ve studied and trained in for over 20 years. This, combined with my work as an intuitive dreamer and somatic healing practitioner, has allowed me to offer a unique and integrative approach to spiritual practice and awakening. Over the years, I have come to understand that psychological healing and spiritual awakening are two intertwined and inevitable aspects of our progression towards personal maturity and wholeness.

In early 2018, after a series of health challenges that weren’t resolving, I closed my psychotherapy practice of 25 years and entered a time of deep personal inquiry and retreat. I’ve done this periodically throughout my life and career, taken time out to deepen my spiritual practice, to shed everything non-essential, and to unravel the conditioned patterns we all face in order to create more internal space and freedom. But this four-year retreat was my longest and most significant. Two years in, COVID hit, then cancer; both providing further opportunity to strengthen my resilience and presence.

My intention now, as I emerge from retreat and re-enter the fold, is to use the tools I’ve gathered over the past thirty years to help empower, inspire and assist others in their personal awakening journeys. To meet whatever arises with curiosity and compassion; to use our daily lives and relationships as an opportunity for greater awareness and insight; to trust the wisdom of our bodies as vehicles for personal and spiritual growth and transformation; and to hear the calling of our hearts so that we might remember why we are here and embodied at this precise moment. I hope you’ll join me.

